mercredi, novembre 02, 2005

Ship's Boy Balak's Report.

We're quite a bunch of lucky guys, after all.
Here we are, making a movie we like, with people we like, enjoying this simple facts most of the time.
Yeah we're lucky. But let me tell you...

...making a movie ain't for sissies.
Especially when 5 directors are arguing all day long about what good and what's bad, thinking over and over and over, and when you finally think you've made it, DANG!
You've got to start it all over again.
It's easy to go crazy and loose your mind when you're creating something like this. Actually, I think we've already lost it for good.
I know, I know, I may sound way too melodramatic here. But tomorrow we're showcasing our latest animatic to an audience, in front of our teachers and fellow students.
We kind of feel like some kid who's drawn something he putted body and soul in it and fearing the look of an adult's eye. You know, the "aaaaw it's cute, good boy, but... why did you drew his underpants ON his pants? " "It's because it's SUPERMAN, muuuum....."
Actually we're quite anxious about how they will react to it.
Or, to be specific, not react AT ALL.
Because we're 5 to making this movie, you can't totally rely on yourself and tell to the world "it's like that, this is how i wanted it to be". But we're 90 per cent sure this movie is like we wanted it to be so far. and the 10 per cen left are killing us right now.

ANYWAYYYY enough whinings.
This will be cool i guess.
You know, there're pirates in this movie.
Making pirate's stuff.

Sail HO!


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Ha la la !
Le fameux visionnage devant tout le monde !
Je vous plainds et vous envie en même temps...
En tout cas très beau boulot pour l'instant...
n'hésitez pas à nous montrer l'animatique un jour !

Bon courage

3/11/05 15:59  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Le projet est alléchant, mais bordel, parlez en français....

4/11/05 22:17  
Blogger Balak said...

ah bah super.
on se casse le derche a sortir son harraps shorter pour que le moooonde puisse profiter de nos états d'ame, et on se fait enquiquiner par un gars qui a fait allemand première langue.

I trouve not ça very correct, I say.

5/11/05 01:12  

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